Thursday, October 23, 2014

October In Suttons Bay Michigan

The Blue Lobellias against the burnt orange Maple leaves and the yellow Mums!

Fall colors in full bloom.

Look at the size of those Maple trees over at the Korner Kottage, wow!!  Do you think there are a million leaves? Wonder who rakes all those leaves up?

Big sale at Anchor Cottage, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Forecast is for a sunny weekend. See you at the store.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

That Golden Moment

That golden moment when all that shimmers in the wind is light.

Yes, this is one of the buildings on our back 40!

A vignette of decay, poised by Mother Nature.

Rustle, rustle, rustle...shimmering in the breath of air...

a path of light appears.

Of green and gold and gray, across the land, as it rolls away.

Through branches the beams of light ignite.

A fern of dancing green.

The meadow beyond.

An elderly Maple and its seedlings, of many generations, surround.

A floor of leaves, say it fast and it sounds like "leaving for Florida"!

Woodland friends.

Soft underfoot, a spectrum of greens to the eye.

Beech tree leaves.

My woodland friend had a birthday this week and these are his tomatoes from our garden.

He is now the proud owner of a couple new frying pans!!

Happy Birthday sweetheart and thank you for the walk in the woods.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

How Many Rs In Decorating?


Can you think of any more? Let me know if you do. Have a great weekend, the fall colors are glorious this year!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Fall Is A Cozy Time Of Year

Black and creme graphics against a Topaz of oranges.

Woven grass baskets, copper and horn.

Black tapers in hand turned candlesticks.

French, English and Indiana pottery.

Hand painted Christmas plates.

English in a basket.

By the fire in the study.

Honey colored wood.

Rich blue woven stripes.

Black and white graphic.

Under foot.

Time to put the garden away for the year.

Bright cheer.

Hand hammered copper lamps.

Look what the storm blew in.

Coho, Chinook, Trout, Big Mouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass.

Cabin rug.

Jewels for sale.
Come in, shake the rain off and I will make some tea.