Friday, September 28, 2018

Make My Day

Bored Panda
Imaginative, dancing, teacup ladies. Just charming to behold.

scalloped-upholstery.png (826×1099)
Work of art, turning this settee into an object of delight.

Handpainted Delft porcelain Brooch Cat by Harrietsblueandwhite
Catching the "cat stretch" pose.

Eye For Design: Decorating With Chinese Garden Seats
Eye For Design
Let's add, harp, finial and a red, silk shade, to this garden stool.

Southern Living

I may have posted this bathroom before.
 It has caught my eye, yet again.

esthetic oisseau - Yahoo Search Results
esthetic oisseau
Gift me this palette to work with, please!

Is this proverb not the truth?

Again, another sift through the Pinterest files to see what caught my eye. Rather pretty, wouldn't you say?


Sunday, September 23, 2018

Did I Just See A Fern Walk By?

The rituals of  Autumnal Equinox! 

Bring the ferns inside before they start turning brown. 

They are a pair of "big ole' ferns"!

Changing of the seasons, love the beginning of every one and ready to move on, to the next season, every time! Mother Nature, changing up her game!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Green Green Canopy Of Home

Back to this Morning Glory, is she ever going to bloom?

The blooms will be spectacular when she decides to show us her beautiful, blue flowers! 

Underneath her heart shape leaves is the tin man we bought at a sandwich shop on the Alabama, Florida line.  

He was hanging with some of his brothers when we unhooked him from his perch. 

This Alabama tin man inspired Steve to acquire a large collection of antique and vintage funnels!  Along, with commemorative can openers, for the mouths, beer bottle caps for eyes and buttons, and copper tubing for fingers.  And, of course, aluminum cans in five different shapes and sizes. Quite the process involved in creating a tin man personality!

The round house. It use to be cherry briner and Steve took it apart and brought it home and put it back together again on stilts! We cut down our Hydrangeas for the season, so it looks rather bare on the bank out there. 

Staking out the new shed. We need a building to store the lawnmower, leaf blower, weed whip, snow blower, chainsaws, oil and gas containers. It will be nice to corral all these tools and get them out of the garage. 

I have a pair of these ferns, on the porch. I would love to bring them in for the winter but they shed so badly that it makes a huge mess over my claw foot tub. We have" wintered over" the ferns before, one time for four years in a row! They were humongous! For a couple of years we took them to Florida and hung them up in the courtyard side of Blue Bell!

Under my green canopy in the Holler!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

View Through The Lens

The fall nesting urge is upon us.
 Burnt orange has entered the room!

How many shades of rust, can I pull together, on this table?

The blue, antique English, plates pop the terracotta shades!

Even the subtle coral is included. 

Blue and white is a neutral. 

Ornaments make the best small presents!

Don't you love their eyes?
Just a slight change of expression on each doll.

Having fun working with my new camera. Will be taking the Nikon to the beach tomorrow. I will keep you posted on any decent shots! 

PS; Happy Birthday to Prince Harry! 
There's some orange for you!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Where To Put The Tomatoes...

The last of the tomatoes from the garden "in the woods"! When will the Morning Glories bloom? See them, out the window, climbing up the post?

They are ripening quickly, so tuna on tomatoes...

...tomatoes on Mozzarella!

Where to put the summertime finds? Books and more books, vintage decorating magazines. I love them all. 

Beach finds and Hydrangeas on my table top. 

Violets are perking up and Orchids are hibernating. 

Notice how good the medium blues mix with the brown of the Cedar logs. 

Moving from summer, through Autumn, next table top collection will be fall. Ever evolving catch-all for seasonal finds.


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Wednesday Morning Pinterest

The Visual Vamp
The Visual Vamp
Eight chairs, custom painted with nautical motifs, around the captain's table!

Yes! A lovely tea party in my greenhouse! Love this idea! ❤️
A lovely tea party in my greenhouse! 
I am attracted to the greenhouse windows with a stone floor for a studio. Plenty of light and a floor you could accidentally get messy on whether you are potting plants or painting furniture!

Chinoiserie Chic
Chinoiserie Chic
There is so much light in the photo of this room. 

Sundays in Spain... #inspiration #interiors #interiordesign #percaline #jaimeparlade #alcuzcuz
Sundays in Spain
I can see this as a watercolor.

{décor inspiration : classic elegance} | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Flickr - Photo Sharing!
See all the light in this room? Creamy biscuit on the walls and windows with ivory white moldings and ivory white upholstery. Love the biscuit colored velvet on the chair seat. 

Royal Doulton Biscuit Jar
Royal Doulton Biscuit Jar
Woodcocks on a blue and white biscuit jar. 

10 Essential Coffee Shops in Charleston - Eater Charleston
10 Essential Coffee Shops in Charleston - Eater Charleston
The, coral on blue, paint makes me want to rethink the walls on the inside of the shop this spring. I would use a lot of white as well. 

Perusing Pinterest helps me visualize color combinations, using light in a room and finds me the small details that help make a room your own.  

Monday, September 3, 2018

Zoom In Zoom Out

More, new camera, practice today.

If I focus the lens too close the digital shutter will not move. 

All of the corners, and the middle, are in exact focus.

Great pick up of detail mid-range. 

All the way out with the lens.

Closer with barely any depth of field. 

Focusing up close.

Backing out.

See the shadow of the grasses?

Zoom in...

...zoom out!

Deleted three out of fourteen shoots in this practice because some of the shots were too repetitious.  The only photo-shop was to brighten it up a stop. So far so good.