Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Airing Out The Wife

Pyramid Point, jutting out into Lake Michigan, covered in snow. 

A squall coming in as we stop on top of the hill to catch a picture. 

A pair of Manitou Islands. 

The water is up this winter. 

Every grey stone is on the beach. Found one piece of beach glass. 

I love the color of the beach grass in the snow. 

The spit of land is covered in water.

Driftwood on the snowy beach. 

See the waves coming in from either direction?

Came home from Florida mid November and just now had a day to ourselves. Blowing out the merchandise in the shop and packing what was still there, in boxes, took a full month. Today the movers came and picked up what was left and brought it to the Holler. Being full from feasting and not having used my camera for thirty days made me cranky so my husband rolled me into the truck and down the path to the beach and the water. After a walk and some fresh air I feel like a nap! Thank you husband honey! 

Merry Christmas Trees

Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor: Search results for christmas tree
Looking back at the different Christmas trees we have had, here in the Holler. The "nautical" tree was especially nice.
Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor: Search results for christmas tree
Thirty six years of ornament collecting! I hung them all.  
Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor: Search results for christmas tree
A star themed tree. Hope to find more of the big red stars for presents next year. They came in several sizes and colors. 
Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor: Search results for christmas tree
Toile tablecloth as a skirt under the tree. My husband loves the colored lights.  
Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor: Search results for christmas tree
I love glass ornaments the most, the way they reflect the lights. 
This years tree was a quick, in a pinch, tree. Closing Anchor Cottage, bringing home all the stuff, didn't want to unpack all the boxes of ornaments, so I brought home all the artificial flowers I had in the shop and stuck them in the tree. Snagged the blue toile curtain over the doorway and wrapped it around the base of the tree. Ta da! Christmas in the Holler this year.

I like decorating the tree. It makes me happy. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Finishing Tying The Bows

Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor: Search results for anchor cottage christmas
Looking back through the archives of "Christmas at the shop".
Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor: Search results for anchor cottage christmas
I chose just a few photos that bring a tear to my eye. 
Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor: Search results for anchor cottage christmas
The memories of decorating the tables with Emma Bridgewater and Portmerion English china.
Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor
A few of the sweetest Christmas tablescapes in my career. 
Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor: The Gem Tones Of Ruby And Gold For The Season
Gathered the photos of holiday vignettes.
Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor
Vintage Orrefors and Caspari paper products.
Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor
A children's table. 
Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor: The Gem Tones Of Ruby And Gold For The Season
Deep red silk tablecloth with boxwood and Poinsettias, amber glass goblets with rare blue and white Portmerion plates. 
Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor: Christmas Open House At Anchor Cottage
Created a nautical holiday table one year.
Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor: Merry Christmas From Anchor Cottage
May be my favorite table of all time!

Reminiscing Anchor Cottage table decor for December. Didn't decorate the shop this season because we are moving on to a new location and direction. We will keep you posted.

Right now I am working on a new web page, business cards, and on-line business with my phone!! A phone with a credit card machine, what more could one girl want?

Merry Christmas to all of you that came into my shop, you will be missed. I will be off working on new stage presence for the spring!  I will let you know where I land.

Thank you,
Mary Ann @ Anchor Cottage

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

This Is It!!

This is it!
 The last hurrah for
 Anchor Cottage in Suttons Bay.

70% off, store wide.
Fixtures and furniture. 
Bedding, rugs and Emma Bridgewater.

Come on down to say goodbye and ask me where I'm going next.

Taking the home furnishing part of the business to my studio and out into the field of custom decor. 

"Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor"

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Two Days Left At 70 % Off Storewide!

Good Morning!

70 % off
everything at 
Anchor Cottage.

Closing December 12.

There are quite a few deals to be had, hurry down, two days left!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Sunrise In The Holler

Good Morning!

Captured the sunrise from the deck, outside my home. 

Saw it coming...

...watched it brightening...

...then it glowed!

The clearance sale continues!
50% off
Everything until the store is empty!
Anchor Cottage moving sale.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Let's Take A Break From The Sale

Usé esta falda en tres contextos diferentes de tres maneras distintas y te confieso que después de este post la dejaré descansar por un buen rato.
Thinking warm and sunny days skipping down the shoreline in this cheerful, ruffled skirt!

BLUE LOVES GREEN - Mark D. Sikes: Chic People, Glamorous Places, Stylish Things
Mark D. Sikes

This is "breathing room" fresh. 

Navy with classic pumps
Leelee Sobieski
The dress could cover many bases.

Inspiration for pillows and wall hangings Furlow 121313 - rodcollins
Furlow Gatewood
I am always attracted to his decor.

Ceramic Chinoiserie Stud post with a freshwater pearl

Chinoiserie Stud Earring

Come to mamma.

Old School in Nantucket by Markham Roberts - The Glam Pad


Good reflection of light using just one window. 

Simple wedding dress. Leave out the groom, for the moment let us focus on the bride-to-be who views the wedding ceremony as the best day of her lifetime. With that basic fact, then it is certain that the wedding outfit should be the best.
Colección Jose Maria Peiró
Simply classic. 

So I took a break, from blowing out Anchor Cottage, to see what I had pinned in my pinterest file these last few weeks.
 Pinterest is always a good indicator of the styling thoughts flowing around in my subconscious.
 Red, white and blue have always been the best colors, for me, in my wardrobe.
 Straight, simple forms complement my shape.

 The ear bobs could work all the way through summer!
 Also realized, that I am drawn to a light filled space to live in. 

Something to look back on, this summer, to see if this theme is what I really accomplish or come close to.

The sale is ongoing until December 12th. Stop on in the shop and see what fifty percent off buys you!! Thank you! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Something To Look Forward Too

Everything in the shop is half off! Come on down Friday and have at it. Even the fixtures must go. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Treasures From The South

Anchor Cottage is changing location next month... the buying trip was skinny...

... I only had time to start one watercolor...

...but we did bring home 31 fabric samples and a box full of indoor/outdoor swatches that will knock your socks off...

...the "Found" items were select picks... honey has a new vintage sign for his collection... well as artwork with a specific message...

...picked up a book for Jackie the decorator...

Next buying trip will be for the new location! Can't wait to show you what I am doing with the new decorating shop!
I will keep you posted.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Atlantic Ocean As Seen By Me

Macro lens in motion! Couldn't get too close, to take the shot, the fragrance was distancing! 

Shadows on a walk, down the beach, to see what they could see. 

Whales tails, reflected, on the shore. 

A mirror of crystals and sand.

Chinese Double Happiness symbol.

A far sighted view of the ocean blue.

Captured the tune of the surf.

A shore bird caught in mid-stride. 

There he goes, melting into the seashore again! 

The photographer.

I'll retain the ocean blue, in my mind, all winter long.