Friday, August 30, 2019

I Love Making A Cozy Bed

8. Stephen Shubel Cottage
Bedrooms are such personal spaces in your home. And talk about the elephant in the room! The bed pretty much sets the tone for the room as a whole. Treasured memories on the table side, set with photos of life's loves. 
Гортензия Hill Cottage: Шарлотта Мосс
To lay your head down in a sea of comfort, don't be embarrassed by the multitudes of pillows, sink in and rest.
Making the bed physically comforting is in the layering. A thick, cotton mattress pad to start. 
via Houzz via Scott Free Tumbler via Cote de Texas via The Foo Dog Ate My Homework Hello Friends, I hope you had a lov...
Sheets of the softest cotton you can find, iron the pillows cases and the top of the top sheet, makes the sheeting even smoother up next to your skin. 
the adventures of tartanscot™️: "Best Picture . . . " Michael S. Smith , I think
I always use a down comforter with a very light weight duvet cover. Down pillows, at least two for each head in bed! If there are down allergies there are some good synthetics available that mimic the comfort of down. 
Make your bed everyday, turn back your bedding and plump the pillows. It feels so good to get into your freshly made bed at the end of a long day. 
White scalloped sheets with tartan plaid, love this look
Cocooned and cushioned against the elements of life, may you sleep in your nest, safe and protected from the outside world.

Have a beautiful holiday weekend!  

Friday, August 23, 2019

A Week At The Races

My husband and I went stove shopping. We bought a 30 inch, Wolf with a gas oven. Delivered and installed in two weeks! I wanted the electric oven with the cobalt blue interior and self cleaning feature but conceded to my husband's wish of a gas oven. We did get the red knobs!

Ordered up three barn sale signs with yellow lettering on a black background with steel frames. 

Gathering "winter work" from around the county. 

When the customers come back in the spring, they have an all new look in their cottage! New rugs, sofas, chairs, porch furniture and paint colors. Fun to envision the final mix. 

Dressed in sturdy shoes and apron to go out and wrestle the garage. Moving stuff out into the new shed, (the shed is just about finished), pulling out all the furniture so I can sweep and organize. Separate what to sell this fall and what to repair and paint this winter for next summers barn sales. 

Wall paper and shower curtain with matching valances for this gals bathroom. 

All this went home for a cottage redo on South Lake Leelanau. 

I heard my husband ask if I wanted to go to the beach and I knocked him over going out the door!!

There you have it! A week at the races!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How's The Kitchen Remodel Going?

Sometimes the process of elimination can be the short cut to your next design. I want to keep the blue rug with the white flowers, oak pedestal table, four white chairs with chair pads and the pink place mats! Not a lot of elimination going on so far!

A new stove is where we'll start. Keeping the sentiment over the heart of the kitchen! I have had the yellow, enamel coffee pot for thirty five years, so it's not going anywhere. 

The pink and blue with red and creme colors, along with the fuchsia and chrome bar stools, are staying.  

The window sill is always changing. That is as far as we have gone on the kitchen redo! Coming will be a farmhouse sink and a charcoal black island with maple counter top. 

Surprise! I am now the proud owner of a sewing table! Can't wait to get it upstairs and introduce it to the other members of my sewing circle. The sewing machine, iron, scissors and rulers.

I'll be jamming this winter!!


Thursday, August 8, 2019

She Is A Creature Of Composition

My beautiful dog is getting older. He finds the most padded place to lie down and leans his back into the front door. He's getting so old that we don't even make him move out of the way, we use another door! 

What a nice and tidy job the wood fairy did. We will be warm and cozy, a little sooty, but oh well.  

When we did the last logging, here in the Holler, a row of Maple trees popped out of the forest, you know the saying, "can't see the forest for the trees". Standing on the deck looking through the window of greens.

The shed is not finished! Let's move on from this photo. 

Mophead Hydrangeas balancing large, fluffy white balls of tiny individual flowers on long skinny stems. No wonder they flop over in the rain. 

The Hostas have purple flowers as their featured bloom. The Hummingbirds are all over these stalks.  

I love my whirligigs from Alabama.
they make me chuckle when I walk past. 

This is a man's wheel barrow, must weigh seventy pounds empty.
Walking around the yard taking photos and these are the thoughts that start my day. 

Thinking of my wish list. The stove blew up this week as Steve was just about to bake a Blueberry pie that he made himself. So now the pie is in the freezer waiting for a thirty inch, freestanding gas range in stainless with an electric oven. A Wolf will do nicely. 

Really Mother Nature, such a riot! 

The Cub Cadet was a good wish come true! Look at our lawn that he carved out of the woods! Nice job!

I also have a new camera lens on my wish list. Zeiss 35mm will do nicely. A new zoom and macro too. 

How bout a bathing suit. I need a back up and may be able to get a deal because it is the end of the season for suits! (Megan Markle play on words!)

Surprise!! We have tomatoes in our garden. 

Cone flowers, Daisies and Black Eyed Susans all over the place. 

My Queen Elizabeth roses, they smell so sweet.

She is an old girl, my Peace Rose, she never lets me down, every summer she shows me her blossoms and lets me inhale her sweet scent. She is a winner and a keeper. 

This little lady is resting for a moment. 

She knows I am taking her picture!

Summer is winding down. 

Benny says, "there is nothing like summer in the Holler."

Every picture shows the many layers of thought. To tell you what I am thinking, using photos of what is in my vision, while my mind is composing my wish lists.