Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Week In Phonetos

Blue and white on the radar this week! Working on an enclosed porch overlooking the water. 

Drawing an alternative floor plan!

"May we add some green", she asks? 

Two different customers who would like to add a little green into their blue and white scheme! 

Have steamer, will travel!!

Ah, this is better! 

Working on a blue and white with a touch of green decorating scheme! My inspiration at my feet. 

I hope my customers appreciate how hard I work!


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Good Harbor Sand Dunes

The last day of summer.

Coming back from an appointment in Cedar. 

The lure of the warm sun, through the sunroof of my Jeep, shinning down on me. 

Made me pull over and cross the highway.

I headed down the path to the lake, camera in my hand. 

The heat of the sunshine reflecting off the sand. 

Up and down and then around the dunes. 

Lost in thought. 

Marveling at the terrain. 

All the greens lite by the yellow rays of light. 

Reflections in the still waters between the swells. 

The guiding point of land. 

The lake bed of ages ago, revealed. 

As I crest the last dune and follow the path down to the lake. 

Crystal water. 

Silky sand. 

The lake twinkles and sparkles. 

As I turn to walk back up the path to a different point of view. 

Social distancing at it's finest. 

My mind empty of all the thoughts and decisions of the day. 


What a beautiful day. 

I look back, one more time. 

As I turn to go.

Back through the woods. Filled with the magic, warm from the sun, freshened by the water of this solitary run. 


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

No More Beach Days

It took a full year to heal the gouge in the side of the hill. 

Looks pretty good! Two European Beech trees and three Redbuds, some grass, some art, topped off with huge pots of Geraniums and Daisies. 

Looking out of my studio window. 

I transplanted two Blue Hydrangeas from the front lawn into the studio garden. Should be pretty next year.  

It is the time of the season to put the porch furniture away. 

What do you call a day that is both sunny and chilly? Not a beach day! Those days have moved south. 

Eating the last tomatoes. They had the best flavor this summer! Must have been all the rain. The tomatoes were plump and juicy. 

Some times we can cut a few roses for a Thanksgiving bouquet. 

Summer is sliding out of here quickly and fall has already started to show. Cool nights, cool days, and I am thinking of next years beach days. What a knucklehead I am! Just think, a whole season of snow pictures to come!!


Monday, September 7, 2020

Sometimes It"s The Little Things

A new "eye" came to the studio this weekend. 

She snatched up my camera and showed me what my studio looked like from her perspective. 

She may have been heaven sent, I am not sure. 

She brought along "Tink" the textile dog. 

I have not seen this little cousin since she was on her mother's hip.

If I wish real hard maybe she will stick around and be my intern. 

As I have a lot to learn!

The view from this 9th graders perspective is so fresh and youthful. She is also a wiz with the digital equipment! 

Can I keep her?