Monday, April 25, 2022

Rocking Nashville With Halson Griffiths + High Horse

There is a new band in town!

Playing at the Redneck Riviera. 

On the guitar is Tyler Powers. He likes to get right down to the sweet spot where the neck meets the body. He's a player!

Front man and band leader, Halson Griffiths. He likes this smaller venue, he sings to each member of the audience!

This is a funky son-of-a-bitch! Bass player Johnny Stanton. 

Funny thing, I have trouble getting a picture of the drummer!

Adrian Flores on the drums! Give him some!

I had people go out of their way to tell me how talented my son is.

New name, new venue, new band. Catch them on Sunday evenings over on Broadway, across from Kid Rocks! 

Totally entertaining.

A fun treat was catching Tera Lynne Fister finishing up her Sunday afternoon gig.

Christopher Halson Griffiths was the featured performer for the month of April! Way to go babe!


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Saltwater Watercolor

I shot this scene, way back, March 16, 2011!
We were sitting at Vilano Beach and I stepped back to take this photo. I finally decided to paint the print. "The photographer is never in the picture!"

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Steve, Steve, Wake Up, You'll Miss It!

Good morning sunshine.

Glad I sleep with my camera!

You can lay your head back down, Steve. It was worth opening up your eyes, this morning! We caught the sun rise. 

Friday, April 8, 2022

Our Neck Of The Woods

Feeling right at home!

The neighbors came out to say hey.

Hello, hello!

All the blues.

We walked and we walked and we walked.

All in a row.

Patterns in the sand.

Walking on clouds.

Green leaves, green flowers?

A beautiful evening stroll. 


The sunset.

See you in the morning!