Sunday, December 1, 2013

Anchor Cottage 10th Annual Christmas Open House

Jumped out of the Suburban with a Florida tan and hit the ground running. Decked the front of the store with garland and wreaths. A little snow from the heavens added the Christmas touch.

Set the table for a nautical Christmas supper.

Brought in hand made, teak mats for your outdoor shower or in front of your entry. 

The bedroom looks so cozy for the holiday season.

Claire Murray's washer to dryer rugs. 

Can't go wrong with this gift idea!

Linda Dahl brought in her collection of vintage jewelry.

Who could resist this rug?

I served Jello cake and Mimosas. 

I "found" this silver punch bowl. I have it filled with Mercury glass balls, pine boughs and red silky ribbon for my center piece on my dinning room table.

Christmas is coming!

Anchor Cottage has lots of great gifts!

Bring your list and I will help you wrap your presents!

Whoa, all that in 12 days! 

1 comment:

  1. Your shop looks so pretty-Festive!
    Love how you decorated, the outside of the building is wonderful, too.
