Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Little Industrial Spying

I was so excited to have a chance to see one of my favorite blogs, live!

Furbish is fresh and youthful. A wonderful mix of southern and girlie, or are those two the same thing?

Furbish is a little old warehouse with gorgeous window treatments, they really make the store, and nicely spaced vignettes allowing your eye to rest as you absorb the pretty pieces.

Leah greeted us with a charming smile and let us take pictures of the store.

I, personally, could have bought one of everything. Fresh is the word that keeps popping into my mind as I write this post. Fresh colors, design, floor plan and product. Loved all the rugs and the way they delineated the flow through the shop.

The store is not as large as I had thought, but was not crammed with merchandise, the displays were  easy on the eyes.

Furbish has "dared to mix"!

Head over to her blog site, take a drool over her lovely taste.

Thank you, Furbish, for letting me enjoy your shop and post it on my blog.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Natural environment and Your Blog is Totally Outstanding and great Cottages this is my ideal situation where i want to live my life with my family.with out Worries.
