Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Early Morning Thunder Showers

Started out on my morning walk and ran back in to get the camera!

Everything was wet and the colors saturated.

Blue Lobelia 


Pole Beans

Lettuce and Marigolds in Steve's garden. 

The rain deepened the colors of the plants and the grain of the cedar.

The canopy of trees raining down on me.

A Snowball bush.

Van Hout Bridal Spirea.

Light from above.

Sweet Woodruff 


Variegated Hosta 

The light was beautiful this morning.


Iris unfurling.

Sunday's project.

Lemon Thyme 

Saint Francis 

Winkley, my pet dragon who lives in my garden.

The woods was drenched, everything lifted up their leaves to catch the drops of water as the canopy of trees shook the rain off.
Then the sun shone the rays of light through the mist and enchanted the forest zen.

The End

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