Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November's Full Moon

Driving home from work,
 a little after five o'clock,
 in the early evening,
 I came around the corner to this
 humongous full moon
 coming up through the clouds,
 illuminating the ruffled edges.

 It was a spectacular shot! 

By the time I had pulled the Jeep over to the side of the field, wrestled my camera bag out from the bottom of my tote bag and pulled the camera up to my face the moon had moved up, out of the clouds. 

Pressed some automatic exposure buttons on my camera and caught the details of the "man in the moon"!

Had to hold my breath so I didn't move the camera.

This moon lit the sky all night and into the early morning before disappearing over the horizon.
 Full moon drama!

May everyone have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.


  1. The full moon is welcoming you into a new special year, Happy Birthday, Mary Ann!
