Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Not A Lot Of Space But It's My Space!

My new "day station" where I conduct Anchor Cottage business while I wile away my winter in the Holler.

It is a snug, little, corner where I can make a phone call and open my briefcase. Laptop at the ready and only eighteen inches from the icebox.

Pretty objects, I have collected, all around me.

Close by are my props for flower arrangements or a pretty dish to put Peanut Butter cookies in.  

A space to take a break and read a decorating magazine while enjoying a cup of organic, green tea with honey. 

The most fantastic Amaryllis I have ever seen. Planted the gigantic bulb at Thanksgiving and it is worth the wait. Just gorgeous.  

January flowers in the Holler. The blooming plants thrive with all the light and radiant floor heat on the sun porch. 

Interesting that this bloom doesn't have a stem.

A ha! This is where the kitchen table went. We had Sunday soup in front of the fire looking out the picture window. It was a nice change. Steve got a slow cooker for Christmas and I think this "Sunday Soup" idea is the beginning of a new weekend ritual.

Cozy down here in Hoots Holler!

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