Tuesday, October 9, 2018

New Lens

First thing I did on Monday morning was drive into Traverse City to purchase a telephoto lens for the new camera. Then, after an afternoon of running around, I finally found the chance to try it out! First shot, not bad!

Second shot, even better. 

I had wanted a longer lens but also needed a Macro lens capability as well. So I bought an eighteen to two hundred and fifty telephoto with the macro. Really wanted the 300, but money constraints verses what I wanted was an issue. 

Pretty happy with the first shoot out!

Cheryl's little macro, her poops are so small you don't even notice that you stepped in one, lol. 

Tuesday morning and Steve hollers from the garage, "the sky is really pretty this morning!" So I run outside with my camera in hand to take a picture. This is how fast the light can change. When I first ran out the sky was peachy pink but when I raised the camera to my face and focused the color was already faded. 

Blue Lobelia in October. 

Looked up from the Lobelia and spied the light on the Sugar Maples at the top of the driveway. 

Second consecutive shot and look how fast the color faded in the quickening dawn. 

Background focus. 

Foreground focus.

Pretty pleased with the lens so far. Look at the details of this shot from yesterday. You can see the sailor of the boat standing at the helm and the row of cherry trees in the orchard at the same time. 

One big thing to realize is that the telephoto lens is heavy and requires a deep breath and study hands or you have a blurred shot of your man!

So far so good! 

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