Monday, January 7, 2019

Glazed Over First Week Of January

I am officially retired from retail. So I make sketchy lists of what I plan to do day by day. In January you need to have plan B and even plan C depending on the winter weather.  

This morning I had plans to meet a friend at Strong Heart for our two mile walk. But all the schools are closed and the driveway is a sheet of ice. 

What is plan B? 

Plan B is take some photos and post a blog.

The Amaryllis are jamming. 

Planted the bulbs in mid November. Four of the bulbs are new and two of the bulbs are on their third season! 

Benny won't go outside to do his duty. The wind is blowing and it is very slick outside the front door. He ate some breakfast and turned around and went right back to bed. 

Perfect temperature for freezing rain, between the wind and the ice everything has a coating.

Looking to the east, at the little shed in the back, the window is caked over with a frozen mixture of rain and ice. 

The figure in this leaded glass window looks like an icon for the Ice Queen. 

All the whirligigs are frozen in mid-flight. 

Husband is working on his plan B as well. His truck is completely iced over and so is the driveway. Fortunately he has work to do in the garage painting shutters. "Winter work" when you are stuck in the Holler. 

I have plan C all lined up. 

Sewing new pillows and cushion covers for the decorating studio. I am using the large, navy and white checks, trimmed in Kelly green linen to freshen up the curtains that I already have.

There you have it! What some of us northerners do on an icy day!

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