Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Using The Camera

To learn the new camera I need to practice taking photos. There are so many aspects to shooting a still life, for instance. That it stands still is a plus! 

Getting up close and using the Macro lens while being aware of the light source and being on eye level to capture the object as you want it to be seen. 

Sometimes the photo is more interesting if there are disparities within the frame of the composition. 

Filtering the light to bring out the bright and dark areas that are in sharp contrast to each other. 

To practice shooting the horizon line, the point is practicing, so when you swing your camera up to your eye that you automatically line up the horizontal line.   

These photos were culled from a larger selection of practice photos. It is always rewarding to get one right! 

This photo is shot from an angle, with a Macro lens, ambient lighting from behind my right shoulder. Careful not to cast shadows. 

Focus, hold your breath, press plunger and don't move! See the clarity of the different shades of green!  


Now I am showing off! My windowsill Amaryllis are blossoming beautifully. Like girls dancing with head pieces of sheer petals, letting the light filter through.   

Contrast is an issue to be worked out. It could be a matter of taste in how you want your composition lighted. 

The true color against a bright background. Notice the difference?

Lighting is the largest thought process a photographer can make. The film speed, natural light vs flash for fill, shadows and dark corners are tricky components to have to think about when taking a picture.

The only way to learn your camera is using it consistently. Even if it means standing in the middle of your home, making digital tweaks, compensating for the lighting variances over and over again with the same still life shots! That is called practice.

I think back when I used a light meter and set the shutter speed manually. Bracketed the shots for under and over exposures. Learning all the nuances of a "digital" camera is time consuming for me. I'm not sure I have the digital brain for this! Only time will tell and with a lot of practice.   

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