Sunday, January 27, 2019

When It's This Darn Chilly

Let me give you a layering lesson from Hoot's Holler. First, hand knit, Irish wool, socks. "Longies" next. 

Slide on your snow pants, put on a vintage L.L. Bean, wool sweater (that I purchased last time I was in Saginaw) and zip her up to your chin. 

I own three sizes of Sorels. "Dress", "around the house" and "serious". Serious is what I wore to Saginaw.  

Topped it off with jacket, hat and scarf. 

Checked the thermometer, in the window, to make sure I wasn't over dressed! It was negative two on the east side of the state. 

Also, windchill considered! 

Loaded the truck for a six hour trip, around mid-Michigan and, back home. 

Benny brought his wool bed and down pillow for warmth and comfort. He looks nice and cozy!

Stopped for gas in Traverse City. 

Filled the truck up and put her into 4x4 mode. 

Snow squalls over the bay. 

One of my favorite scarves I made with scrap yarn. 

Brought my knitting along, to work on, in the truck. Keeps my head down and unaware of treacherous conditions out on the roads. Gasp!! 

The short story of the long version of this photo is that when I was ten years old I had an Argus, box camera. And on the way up north I talked my mom into stopping so I could take a picture of the big old pine tree. Fifty three years later with all of his family at his roots, I took another shot. 

These are what we drove to Saginaw for! Nine foot transom windows to use over the door and windows on the show room addition! Will help bring natural light into the space. 

Oh yea, I had to take the photo of the windows this morning because it was too dark and cold when we got home. So this is me with my "around the house" Sorels and ski jacket over my bathrobe. Girl from the north country!

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