Saturday, April 27, 2019

Walking Home From Work

End of the week and I finally got everything, from the buying trip, into the studio and out of the house! 

Now to price, invoice and work it in. That will be a job! 

Flat art from Kentucky. 

Fabric and trim. I  bought only fifteen yards of the English floral and now regret not buying the reminder of the bolt. I am in love with the color and I want to make new curtains and cushion covers for my studio and trim them out with fringe. 

Money's Folk Art, Lonnie draws the roosters for Twyla and then she paints them. 

I may not finish clearing off my desk today. 

This painting came into my life! It was lying in a box on the driveway when I arrived home from Florida. Snow and rain and the painting stayed the same! Thank God! 

I am into "jug" lamps this year. I like the casual feel for the Lake Michigan cottages. They won't blow over on your three season porch. Yes, that is a real problem here!!

Oh well, I think I will walk home from work. The sun is out and the earth is greening up. 

A pot of Pansies, back lit, on a stump, along side the driveway. 

Who needs so many sprinklers? My husband's collection! 

This tin man is hanging in there! He needed a new funnel on his head this year. Coming back from PCB, we bought him on the Florida\Alabama line, in a sandwich shop, along side the road. Can't remember how many years ago. 

I picked up a dozen corbels, in North Carolina, at Otto's Salvage. 

I use them for bases, lamps and decoration on bookshelves and fireplace mantels. They bring interesting character into the mix.  

Caught my Benny drinking out of the birdbath!

If you see anything you would like to purchase, please e-mail me at, and I will send prices and shipping instructions.

That's a wrap on this Friday afternoon. How did you like my walk home? Working out of the Holler has it's ups! 

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