Sunday, June 16, 2019

Nope It's Not Summer Yet!

One last Tulip, hanging in there. 

The "Pinks" have not been planted yet. The spring has been very rainy and the temperatures, well let's just say that the furnace has been on most mornings this June.  

My husbands beautiful Rhododendrons are thriving in these cool, wet conditions.  

Now I know that this may seem awful late in the season for these flowers to bloom but we are up on the forty fifth parallel surrounded by a forty three degree Lake Michigan water temperature. A warm breeze does not across the water blow! 

Normally I wouldn't mind planting in the rain if it were a balmy sixty nine. But too damp and chilly today. 

A neighbor let Steve dig up Hostas, can't wait to put them in the ground. I even have my rain hat on thinking I would jump on the shovel. Maybe the sun will shine this afternoon. 

Mother Nature plants her Columbines every spring. 

Just a delight to see them in the rock garden. 

The Van Houttei Bridal Spirea hangs heavy with rain. 

Mother Nature's bridal bouquet. 

Remember I mentioned that I had picked up two cement baskets for free, along side the road? The lady giving them away had brought them out on a dolly. Now I know why, Steve had to use the dolly to move them into the garden they are so heavy! I love the look of them. Cement garden statuary, here and there, bring a fun whimsy into the mix. 

You are never going to believe this, the sun just came out as I was finishing up the blog! Time to go jump on the shovel.

If you are coming up north be sure to bring a sweatshirt and plan B just in case this summer is a bust weather wise. Always beautiful up here no matter what. 

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