Saturday, January 18, 2020

Saturday In The Studio

Starting a new year, here, at Anchor Cottage. I took inventory and weeded out the discontinued. 

Listening to my new favorite jam. Interestingly enough there is a song on this album called, "I Let The Sun Go Down". Written by Elvis Costello. In light of Prince Harry stepping down, the song is pretty relative. The whole album is a great jam. He has a couple of singers in his vocal group, Kitten Kuroi and Briana Lee, that are absolutely great! I was fortunate to hear them, live, in concert.

If you see anything you would like to look at closer, give me call and we will make an appointment for you to come in. 

This funny pink is luscious paired with Mad Cap Cottage.

I am still sorting through 2019, but managed to order fresh fabric swatches already and it is only January 18!

When the world, outside, is a blanket of white I tend to pile the color on. 

I perched all my hand carved and painted birds in the window.

I could use a larger desk but then I would need a larger studio. 

Ordered new rug swatches to start the year! I have another dozen coming in before April, I will keep you  posted. 

Fresh calendars and folders, I sharpened my pencils and replaced the pink erasers. Time to start my taxes. 

There is a story, to tell, about the sea captain poster. I'll save it for another day. Time to go shovel the white stuff!!

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