Friday, April 24, 2020

Mother Nature Wake Up!

Spring anticipation! I post today's blog for the audience that live south of the 45th parallel. Southern Michiganders all the way down to St. Augustine Florida and all my southerners in between. This is spring in northern Michigan. Above, are the Grape Hyacinths, if you look close you can make out a small purple, cone shape. Don't strain your eyes!  

The Lilacs are in bud. So excited when they blossom and fill the air with the sweet fragrance belonging only to Lilacs. 

Forsythia getting all yellow, come on babe, pop those yellow flowers and light up the landscape!

My favorite, Delphiniums. Delphinium blue, growing taller than you, look up and see the stalks of flowers looking down on me

This Bleeding Heart moved here from Leland twenty years ago. She had a mate but lost him last year. I look for her leaves unfurling every spring. 

Dutchman Britches. Sweet spring show of britches hanging out on the line, just like in the comics. 

The Peonies have been here, in the Holler as long as I can remember. Their struggle is real! Nine blossoms, I counted, one year! Tough growing, here, in the woods. 

Here they come! The Daffodils, through the snow and ice the yellow ruffles unfold and bring the happiness that spring foretells. 

The Parsley greened right up, amazing! 

Hyacinths and Primroses. These purple Primroses were grocery store plants that I had on the kitchen window sill one March. We were leaving for Florida so I brought them along and put them out in the heat and light of the Atlantic Ocean. When they came home from vacation  they looked gorgeous, healthy and vibrant. So I popped them in the garden and there they have been for many years. They were so winter worn that I didn't think I had anything to lose, taking them on vacation. 

Sweet Woodruff, tucked in between last fall's leaves. When they flower the smell reminds me of sheets on the line in the fresh air.

I think Mother Nature is getting out of bed!

If April showers bring May flowers! What do May flowers bring?

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Snow Surprise!

I have a store room with merchandise that did not sell when I closed down my shop. It's not that it wasn't anything desirable, it was December and not a lot of people were around to purchase the pieces. So when the shopping itch is bothering me I go into the storage room and find something to bring upstairs. Today I found Emma Bridgewater plates and bowls. Aren't they pretty.    

April 13, looking out the backdoor at next years wood pile to be stacked. We bring the wood, in the spring, to stack into cords to dry out for next winters heat. 
No sooner than Steve put his gloves on to move the wood it starts to snow! It came out of no where! Just one snow cloud and twenty minuets later we are covered by the white stuff. 

What do you do? You go in the house and build a fire in the fireplace, make a cocktail and snack, slide in a movie and take the day off! Nice and cozy. 

And then, what the heck, the sun comes out! It was hard to justify sitting in front of the fire on a sunny afternoon. This is what Michigan can throw at you, weather wise, at any given time! 

Oh, by the way, Sunday Funday! April 19th at one o'clock, our time, Arrogant Bass is back at it! Singing and dancing, playing his piano and guitars, and telling stories. Dial in and if you love what you hear drop a buck or two in his Venmo and help support a musician during these confining times.

It really was no surprise that it snowed. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Self Quarantine Day 27

First of all, let me shout out for Christopher Halson Griffiths! He has been writing a song a day for his followers that put a buck in his Venmo account. I have been delightfully surprised at the songs that have come my way, first thing in the morning. He is now doing a weekly feature. For a couple hours he plays, sings and tells stories. You can message him requests that you would like to hear. It is a fun, full hour of playing and joking around. A Nashville musician making the best of his down time. 

The first day I took the social distancing serious was Friday, March 13th. I did a serious grocery shopping and filled up my pantry at the local grocery store. I was even able to buy a 12 pack of toilet paper! If I had known how long we were going to be down for I would have bought 2 twelve packs!! In the mean time, Steve and I have been busy bees! We got two new stools for our 17th wedding anniversary, furniture being the theme. Representing sturdiness and a good investment as quality pieces get better with age! I did not make this up! 

The last people I saw were my friends out in front of Trishes Dishes, in Leland. That was March 11th! Anywhere else that I have been to no one was home. Steve has gone out, several times, for groceries with Lysol wipes in hand. 

I haven't got the stay at home blues yet! We have had plenty to do. We walk in the woods and make interesting cocktails for happy hour. Steve's honey do list is getting shorter by the day. 

I created a main floor nook for myself. I needed a space to put down my purse and phone when I walk into the house. I went from store room to bedroom and garage pulling together bits and pieces for the nook. Working with what I have on hand looks like I raided my grandmothers attic! Eventually I will change out the rug and cover the cushions fresh and new. But until then this is what I have. No one bought the rooster pillow at the garage sales, but he looks good here! 

Jackie calls my house the "folk art" house. Hand crafted with vision and love is the key factor in making a house a home. 

This is my Mona Lisa smile! I am pretty darn happy in my little log home with my handy dandy husband down, here, in Hoot's Holler. Stay safe and sane, we will come through with flying colors and fresh summer breezes as we walk down our Lake Michigan beach. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Blue Skies And A Sunny Day

The door and windows are in! Spackle and paint to come. I have it in my head! Paint the floor, sea grass rug, pendents over tables to look at wallpaper books and fabric, paint and rug swatches!

My nook! I converted Steve's paint schedule center into somewhere, on the main floor, I can put my purse and briefcase down. As usual, I am just moving my props around. 

I think I am part Paloma Picasso and part old gold. Something about the simplicity of these two rings calls my name.  

Out of chaos comes creativity. Making pillows out of bits and pieces. Harder than it looks, putting together pillow combinations, out of your stash of gimps and fabrics. 

Heading out to the storage room for wall shelves and platters to hang on the walls of my reading nook. May sew new pillows for the little caned sofa. She is only six feet long and fits the nook like it was built for her.

Happy Birthday Sylvia!!

What's to come?

A busy and creative week was had by all, here in Hoot's Holler!