Thursday, April 16, 2020

Snow Surprise!

I have a store room with merchandise that did not sell when I closed down my shop. It's not that it wasn't anything desirable, it was December and not a lot of people were around to purchase the pieces. So when the shopping itch is bothering me I go into the storage room and find something to bring upstairs. Today I found Emma Bridgewater plates and bowls. Aren't they pretty.    

April 13, looking out the backdoor at next years wood pile to be stacked. We bring the wood, in the spring, to stack into cords to dry out for next winters heat. 
No sooner than Steve put his gloves on to move the wood it starts to snow! It came out of no where! Just one snow cloud and twenty minuets later we are covered by the white stuff. 

What do you do? You go in the house and build a fire in the fireplace, make a cocktail and snack, slide in a movie and take the day off! Nice and cozy. 

And then, what the heck, the sun comes out! It was hard to justify sitting in front of the fire on a sunny afternoon. This is what Michigan can throw at you, weather wise, at any given time! 

Oh, by the way, Sunday Funday! April 19th at one o'clock, our time, Arrogant Bass is back at it! Singing and dancing, playing his piano and guitars, and telling stories. Dial in and if you love what you hear drop a buck or two in his Venmo and help support a musician during these confining times.

It really was no surprise that it snowed. 

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