Friday, May 1, 2020

My Week In Phonetos!

How many scarves does one girl need? Looking for something to use as a face mask I rummaged through my scarf basket and found that I own quite a few! Scarves, that is!

And then, wouldn't you know it, Schumacher saved the day! They sent me a face mask! Leaping lizards! The new accessory! 

To me, it matters what I wear everyday. When I go upstairs to get dress, I wonder, who am I today? So today, because I was moving the rocks and Vinca vines, I wore Lady Bug socks! 

I walked all around my acres, in my Lady Bug socks, and cut a bouquet of Daffodils. I cut only the ones whose buds were tightly closed. In the morning, when I came down the stairs, there was a beautiful yellow display of the Daffodils, on the windowsill, that I had cut the afternoon before

I was the Lady Bug as I picked up Steve's collection of vintage sprinklers. Hmm, what shall we do with this collection? "Humans are so interesting, wonder what makes them tick!!", mused the Lady Bug. 

I am so in love with this fabric, printed in the United Kingdom by Sanders & Sons in 1997. Found a bolt of it at my fabric warehouse, last November, and knew I wanted to use it in my new kitchen. I made valances for the windows and pads for the chair seats. Then I unrolled the rest of the fabric and found I had enough left to cover my cane sofa in the nook!!

Not ever having made box cushions before, this was going to be a challenge. One step at a time. I measured the cushions and drew a diagram of all the pieces that I would have to cut out. Then I calculated how many yards of welting I would need. 

Then I proceeded to cut out all the cushion covers, seats, backs and sides, and I cut and sewed twenty eight yards of welting. Now, to sew them together, but not today! What I learned is, that is a lot to know, to fabricate covers for cushions! Give the fabricators a thumbs up from me! If and when the covers are completed I will take a picture and post it for you to see!

All of these photos were taken with my phone, this week. That is why I call them Phonetos!! 

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