Saturday, November 7, 2020

Several Motrin Later

What a week, down here, in the Holler. Big project! Moving out the small studio to build a bathroom. 

 I wanted water and septic up at the garage so the painter can wash his paint brushes and I have a place to go potty. Several acres, later, of excavation and we will be there. We had to go past the woodpile to hook up to the septic field. A tank in between and water lines from the well. I'd say we are ready for some new landscaping!! Steve raked and I broadcasted Field Rye and grass seed. We shall see if this beautiful, sunny week in November will yield some germination and growth to cover the mud!

The east side of the studio moved into the west side of the studio. Steve hung a plastic wall to keep out the cement dust. 

In the mean time, out the corner of my eye, is a pretty blue and yellow fabric that I want to use on a pair of slipper chairs. Distracting, but I will need to put my office back together before I can continue! 

The pressure tank installed. Waiting for two sinks, a toilet and hot water heater on Monday.

Six panels of this luscious linen came in for a customer. Ran it over to her asap. Also, delivered three 8 x 10 rugs, an 8 x 10 rug pad, 3 x 5 rug and pad and one 12' curtain rod, two 10' rods and a 4' rod to get them out of the way.

My new Muck boots showed up just in the nick of time. I have been helping Steve move acres of mud. 

My desk is in the backseat of the Jeep. Complete with files and pencils, lists and notes, that I need to keep track of, for the six jobs I have been working on. 

Piles on the bed and beside the bed and around the bed with a walk through space in case I need to put my hand on something. 

Let us pray that the plastic keeps the cement dust at bay. 

Bright spot!! Dash and Albert rug swatches were delivered today. 

Bright spot number two, I brought in these blue and white pots from the office for safe keeping. A pair of hurricane candle sticks that may never leave the house! Who am I kidding? I am using these on my Thanksgiving table! They're not going back!

With all this physical exertion, no wonder I am sitting here waiting for the two Motrin to work. Monday the plumber comes and hooks everything up. Then I have to put it all back together, again. Moving my props around, should be written on my tomb stone. 


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