Monday, December 14, 2020

Staying Creative

This is how I left the office on Saturday. I hung my grandmother's gold gilt mirror on the black wall and I like the way it looks. The voile sheers are another story. I have had them for quite a while and thought I would use them in the newly painted office. I washed and ironed them and Steve helped me hang them on the rod. Well, the embroidery, along the sides, shrunk and now they don't hang straight. But I like the look! Hate to spend the money for new ones! 

Emma Bridgewater for Christmas this year. I couldn't help it! I usually get my Emma fix when I ordered for the shop. But with the brick and mortar shop closed up I had to actually buy some at retail cost and have them shipped to my home! It's a real addiction!

The walls in the office are ten feet tall. The space, itself, is five by sixteen. I lost three feet when I added the water closet. If you have ever wondered, truthfully, if a dark color makes the room seem larger, I am here to say that it does!! The dark color seems to push the walls out. 

Back out to the office, today, for a lot more tweaking! Plus, where are my files? I need to get to work!!  Hoping to be in place by the end of the week. Merry Christmas!!


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