Friday, May 26, 2023

A Book Signing Party For Lonnie And Twyla Money

Looking out at the mountain ranges from London Kentucky. The book signing was held at a tiny little country club nestled on top of a hill in downtown London Kentucky.

Oak Hill Gardens. Where they hold weddings and receptions, celebrations and book signings!

The evening before was a birthday party for the mayor's wife. The floral arrangements were over the top and they had left them on the tables for the party on Saturday!

We had snacks and fresh fruit, lemonade and ice tea.

The Guinea Hen was the door prize. You had to guess how many dots Twyla had painted on that bird!

This was some serious counting. The count was 2009, I was a low ball count. The winner was within two dots!!

The winner, with 2007 dots, was Alex Huninghake!

Two yellow birds if I ever saw them! Lonnie and Twyla Money. Such a happy, sunny couple. I always look forward to seeing them. Been stopping at their studio since 2004.

I wish I had bought this blue chunky chicken! 

Ha ha! Who bought more books than me? Darn if I didn't get her name. 

A team effort. Lonnie carves the critters and Twyla paints them. 

I love meeting Jerry and Cheryl Kerler. Neighbors of the Money's. Ask them about the Maple Tree chickens!! It was a funny story.

Twyla said, "keep taking pictures!" So I did. 

We had the crowd from "the lake" supporting the author, Karen Abney.

Lonnie's sister, Shirley. I had never meet her until the party. But I had bought her handsewn placemats over the years and admired her quilts hanging in the Money's studio. 

The signing table.

 Karen had designed a small coloring book of some of the Money's critters. It was darling, I bought four!

This is the team. The photographer, Roland Egerton, the author, Karen Abney, her son, Alex and Lonnie & Twyla.

In the middle of the whole shebang, my husband, Steve Scott, reading the book.

That's the story of the book signing.


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