Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor Decorating Store

We offer decorating services in the Leelanau Peninsula. Our studio has fabrics, bedding samples and rug swatches. We offer lamp repair, shades, harps and finials with access to over 1,000 lamps. Furniture painting and repair. Wall paper books are available. Reach out to us at

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I Cleaned The Studio

Well, hello! I have been working on flipping the studio. Removed two humongous fixtures right out of the space. It all started with the rug swatches. Going through them, one at a time, to make sure they are all current samples. Out went the rug swatch rack!

Then on to the fabric swatches. Again, one by one, I took them down and ran a check to make sure the fabric samples are still available. Out went the big fabric sample rack.

See the sea grass rugs? I didn't take them off the floor! I moved everything in the studio, over to one side, and laid down new, cotton rugs on top of the seagrass rugs. 

While I was working it was getting rather warm in there. I opened the doors to let some cooler air flow through. Of course, immediately, the Chipmunks strolled in! Along with some honey bees!!

What could I use for a screen door? Why not a pair of woven sheers? Lovely, with the soft light coming in. I am not taking them down, ever! They are so beautiful.

Looking into the studio, through the French door. The rug is fabulous! The light is exceptional. I needed a natural light source. When I moved the large fabric fixture the light came flooding in.

The long view. Fresh and uncluttered, up to date and tidy!

The rug swatches all stacked up on the rolling rack. Easy to take out for show and tell!!

I am one happy camper, decorator, to have everything organized and at my finger tips. So if you have wondered where I have been, besides incredibly busy, I was cleaning house!



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