Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor Decorating Store

We offer decorating services in the Leelanau Peninsula. Our studio has fabrics, bedding samples and rug swatches. We offer lamp repair, shades, harps and finials with access to over 1,000 lamps. Furniture painting and repair. Wall paper books are available. Reach out to us at

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

So Far So Good

This is why I go to High Point Market! Planning on updating my business card, adding my name and address! Wasn't sure where I was going to land when I sold my brick and mortar store. Now I know!

With my show room in mind, I headed to the market. Thinking of my up coming design jobs. 

Porch reading, for inspiration, getting ready for the trip to North Carolina. 

Down the road and over the Kanawha River.

Chuck Yeager was said to have flown under this bridge!

Through the mountains, bug shit splatter and no reading material.

Gas station reading material, better than the triple xxx material!

Picnic lunch at the side of the highway.

Back on the road. Will continue the story when we get there.

On the way to High Point Market, the International Home Furnishing Center in North Carolina.


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