Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor Decorating Store

We offer decorating services in the Leelanau Peninsula. Our studio has fabrics, bedding samples and rug swatches. We offer lamp repair, shades, harps and finials with access to over 1,000 lamps. Furniture painting and repair. Wall paper books are available. Reach out to us at

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Who Is This Mystic Gardener?

Who is this mystic gardener, the one who grows the ten foot Trumpet Lilies, year after year? 

The sower that sows the Jewel Weed in with the Hostas, under the shade of the Maple trees.  

The ferns follow his instructions to move here and over there,  filling in the empty spots.

A choir of floral display meandering down the slope of lawn.

The birds and the chipmunks plant the garden seeds together, from the sky and under the ground, they work side by side.  

At one time this was a ruly planting. Then the city Daisy invited his country Daisy, the Black Eyed Susan, for a visit.

"Come, meet your distant cousin the Rudbeckia!" 

The Delphiniums grow tall, with all the rain and humidity in the woods. The orange Lilies contrast against the blue stalks.

This is my view, when I step in the dog do. Not looking where I am walking, distracted by the beauty of the natural garden scene. 

It is a riot of colors, all spectrum of Cynthia's rainbow!

Good to come home from work, in the evening, and be greeted by such loveliness as this.

Thank you my silent sower. 

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