Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor Decorating Store

We offer decorating services in the Leelanau Peninsula. Our studio has fabrics, bedding samples and rug swatches. We offer lamp repair, shades, harps and finials with access to over 1,000 lamps. Furniture painting and repair. Wall paper books are available. Reach out to us at

Friday, August 17, 2018

A Good Day For A Swim

Found on pinterest.

Lucky for me that I found my beach buddy!
Swimming in the big whirlpool of life! Counting down our swims as the days become shorter and the water has a golden glow from the sun being so low. I love Lake Michigan, silky sandy beaches and crystal clear waters. The lap lap sound of the waves hypnotizing my cares away.  

That's all I have to say, today!

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