Anchor Cottage Freshwater Decor Decorating Store

We offer decorating services in the Leelanau Peninsula. Our studio has fabrics, bedding samples and rug swatches. We offer lamp repair, shades, harps and finials with access to over 1,000 lamps. Furniture painting and repair. Wall paper books are available. Reach out to us at

Sunday, February 5, 2023

About That Chicken Coop!

The Antiques & Garden Show, in Nashville, was a huge hit. I wanted to bid on this chicken coop thinking I wouldn't even come close to what it sold for. But as I was standing there I remarked to my husband, teasingly, that I wanted it for my child day care! A lady behind me overheard my remark and exclaimed, "I would bring my child there if you had this!" I didn't have the heart to tell her I was just joking!

Sorry I couldn't get a good, clear shot of the coop. But by looking at all the people you can get an idea of the size! Perfect for Peacocks!!

My son and his wife had a chicken living in their back yard for a few weeks, this winter. They had no idea where it came from. So Christopher came down to take a look to see if he could build a coop, only a smaller one. I met him at the door with a large Bloody Mary and led the way. He loved it! Only on a smaller scale. 

This chicken coop shows, on what scale, how top end this show was!


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